Donate Blood Save Live: A Life-Saving Gift
Blood Donation
Need for blood transfusion:
Blood transfusion is needed to save lives. Accidents, bleeding, delivery and operation are some of the occasions due to which excessive bleeding can occur on such occasions, those people need blood. The bodies of people suffering from many diseases like thalassemia, leukemia, hemophilia also need blood repeatedly, otherwise their lives are in danger. Due to this it becomes necessary to give them a blood transfusion.
Need for blood donation:
The only way to collect this life-giving blood is blood donation. Blood donated by healthy people is used to give blood transfusion to needy people. Due to many reasons like increasing cases of advanced surgery and increasing diseases in the expanding population, the need for blood transfusion has increased manifold. But the shortage of blood donors remains the same. The belief of people that blood donation leads to weakness and impotence is completely baseless. Nowadays component therapy is developing in the medical field, under which different components of blood can be separated from a unit of blood and given to the patient in need of blood, in this way one unit of blood can be used by many patients.
Who can donate blood?
- Every man or woman:-
- Whose age is between 18 to 65 years.
- Whose weight is more than 45 kg.
- The percentage of hemoglobin in the blood should be 12.5 grams or more.
- Who is not suffering from diseases like tuberculosis, venereal disease, jaundice, malaria, diabetes, AIDS etc.
- Who has not donated blood in the last three months.
- The blood donor should not have taken alcohol or any intoxicating drug.
- Blood donation is not accepted from a woman during pregnancy and the 6-month period of breastfeeding after full-term delivery.
How much blood is taken?
- Every day old blood gets depleted in our body and new blood gets formed every day.
- Only 350 ml i.e. 1.5 pound blood is taken at a time (20th part of the total blood).
- The body replenishes the liquid part of the blood given in 24 hours.
- Blood can be safely stored in a blood bank refrigerator for 4-5 weeks.
- Does blood donation give any benefit to the donor?
Yes. The spiritual joy that is derived by giving new life to someone by donating blood can neither be valued nor expressed in words. Doctors believe that excess cholesterol in blood hinders blood flow. Blood donation also speeds up the process of blood formation in the body. The life of blood cells is only 90 to 120 days. Every day, old blood keeps getting wasted in our body and new blood keeps getting formed, but we do not realize this. Many men and women have made a routine of donating blood regularly. Therefore, you should also donate blood regularly so that blood is always available, no married woman becomes a widow, old parents do not become helpless, blooming youth does not die prematurely. Today someone needs your blood, tomorrow you may need someone’s blood, so donate blood fearlessly.
Where to donate blood?
Blood donation can be done in any licensed blood bank. This facility is also available in all district hospitals. 57 government and 72 private blood banks in the state are licensed. Apart from this, blood donation camps are organized from time to time by all licensed blood banks. You can donate blood voluntarily at any of these authorized camps.
Testing before blood transfusion?
Each unit of blood is tested for malaria, syphilis, hepatitis (B & C) and HIV before it is released to the blood bank to ensure that only safe blood reaches the patient.
Is blood donation painful or harmful?
- There is no pain while donating blood.
- It takes 5 to 10 minutes to donate blood.
- After donating blood, you can do all your work normally.
- There is no adverse effect on the general health of the blood donor.
Voluntary blood is better than blood sold because:
A person who donates blood voluntarily donates it to help mankind and not for the greed of money. Therefore, he does not hesitate to disclose any kind of current or old disease, which can endanger the life of the person who donates blood. A blood seller tries to hide all his diseases in greed for money. Due to which the person who receives the blood can get many types of diseases. And his life can also be in danger. Professional blood donors donate blood very frequently without any gap, due to which their blood also lacks quality.
Blood Donor Card:
A blood donor card/certificate is issued to the person who donates blood voluntarily immediately after donating blood. So that he can get one unit of blood from the blood bank for himself or his family member if required within 12 months from the date of blood donation. If you or your relatives need blood transfusion, then definitely look for the stamp of ‘HIV free’ on the blood bottle or bag.
There is a tradition of donation in India, blood donation is the greatest donation even more than money and food donation because it gives life. Let us all donate blood-give life
Sense of satisfaction: Knowing you’ve potentially saved a life can be deeply rewarding.
World Blood Donor Day is celebrated on June 14th every year to raise awareness.